210509# x Sunday blues
May 9, 2021a very intense week, Tuesday started a new stress. resulting on poor sleep and knotted stomach.
Tuesday morning had osteopath, responded well to neck manipulation. back very stiff.
Wednesday late afternoon had accupunture, responded well.
Thursday had my second covid jab. left arm ached but otherwise no impact
Friday feeling well, and did some cooking for the weekend.
Saturday décidéd to push hard in the house. trip for diy. rebuilt door frame, and started on wall. also replaced hinges in kitchen. and unloaded new floor. did pins session, felt exhausted after that and went to bed at 730ish
Sunday, felt tired, pushed on for a walk at Cannock and body remained tired but no paralysis /stiffening, also heart rate behaving well.

so, despite my tiredness my mobility has not been impacted. this is the first time since becoming ill I’ve managed to reach some exhaustive state without owl man showing up or wading in treacle…. feels great
recent changes… New type of liquid vitamin C, and some tan time.