200813#226 – The Tow Box

August 13, 2020 Off By admin

Doing well, yesterday we returned form France…where time in the sun and getting about was easy. I even had some late nights.

Doing well this morning. Spine always feeling sensitive and putting power through my spine (lifting or bending over and doing something has been triggering some troubles).

With my father I bent down to push a car towbox into position. As soon as I have done this I stood up and felt my spine awash with paralysis. I had to make a laboured scarecrow walk to a chair to sit down.

2 hours later I was able to be driven to A friends family home. We had a garden meeting where my facial and body movements were very much restrcited Mr Owl was in good form. However, after another 2 or so hours (post flapjack and coffee) I was geeting close to normal again.

Later that evening I was feeling good, we went to the local pub for a meal and I was able to walk briskly until about 8pm when Mr Owl set back in.

(at this stage Vitamin D is a daily dose and France was very hot).

The paralysis seems to be triggered from neck/spine movements.